Hi guys! Right now my team and I are working on the oneofakid tower at creative.
Our team consists of:
oneofakid|Tower Owner+Architect+Furnisher
Twisters89|World-edit supply+Architect+Furnisher
Willbob2003|Help with decoration (slime style)
Currently we are working on the 4th floor of the tower. We are planning to have at least 10 floors. Our team works like this: One guy builds the floor, ceiling, and walls for a room. Another, at the same time, starts decoration. And an electrician will start any redstone needed, and someone else will work on exterior decoration (ex. windows, redstone covers, etc.). I think it is a pretty good method.
Planned finish date
We hope to finish the project by June 1st, GMT-5 (EST).
Fact: At the plot the tower is being built on, at the same time other people are helping with other builds, like an ABC Wipeout course, a jail, and more.
I hope you guys will like the tower when it is finished!
If youd like to help out with the tower, apply to join on the link below!
Here are some screenshots to see what weve done so far