Metro City Helper Application Form

Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: oneofakid - April 28th, 2015, 6:10:52 pm

[font=impact][glow=maroon,50,350]Metro City[/glow][/font]

Have you guys been to Metro City? You know, the city with the big oneofakid Tower? ([url=][/url]) Well we need helpers!
Metro City currently only consists of the unfinished oneofakid Tower, an unfinished ABC Wipeout course, and a finished welcome center. See how those are unfinished? Thats why we need you! We want to work hard to become a really big city, with skyscrapers, houses, and parks. Maybe even become a warp!

[font=georgia]Code of Conduct:[/font]
?I will be smart and NOT grief*
?I will be helpful to your co-workers
?I will be kind to all co-workers
?I will NOT abuse my power
?I actually want to have this position

*Any form of griefing will be immediately reported to a staff member and the griefer will be banned.

[glow=green,2,300]Application Form:[/glow]
Just copy and paste the following:

Past Usernames: (Just so we know who you were)

Username: (Obviously needed to add you)

Real Name: (Just wondering)

Gender: (Just wondering)

Date of Birth: (We want to know how old you are to determine maturity)

Maturity: (Just so we know you wont abuse your power)

State/City and Country: (For a study)

Do you have Skype? (Needed for contact outside of CubeBuilders)

Do you abide the Code of Conduct? (Displayed above)

Comment below your application. I will review your application within 24 hours. If I do not, please message me (in-game or on forums, doesnt matter) and I will check out your application. If you ask me before 24 hours has passed, I will reject your application.
Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: KissMeImIrish - April 28th, 2015, 7:29:29 pm

Past Usernames: None.

Username: U know who I am, right buddy? ;)

Real Name: BOBERT

Gender: Havent checked in a while...

Date of Birth: April 14, 2000000000000000000003

Maturity: Im super mature for my age, as u may have noticed above with the rest of my application.

State/City and Country: The Mighty MO of the United States of Merica

Do you have Skype? Yup!

Do you abide the Code of Conduct? I was supposed to read that? Whoops...

But seriously I wanna help with redstone BTW, but I dont think I need to apply since Im already on the team.

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: oneofakid - April 28th, 2015, 9:10:24 pm

you are already part of the team, but I accept this application xD

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: KissMeImIrish - April 28th, 2015, 9:18:50 pm

YAY!! LELELEL!! Wait, so now I am a redstoner for the tower too?

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 28th, 2015, 9:26:42 pm

Past Usernames: So I changed my name from HawaiiGirl924 to ArtisticRainbow and then back to HawaiiGirl924

Username: I think its HawaiiGirl924. Ok Im 99.9% positive it is HawaiiGirl924.

Real Name: Emma :3

Gender: Uh... Unless you think Im a crazy old man, read my username again.

Date of Birth: September 24, 200? (That remains unknown)

Maturity: Im not very mature because Im still in teh mood for being a kid. But when you need me to be a good and mature Hawaii, Ill be ok.

City/State and Country: I live in Kentucky. In a city that has the nickname "The Horse Capital of the World" Oh yeah, I live in th USA.

Do you have Skype? No. PM me and Ill tell you what I have.

Do you abide the Code of Conduct? Well I guess so but I have noo idea what abide means so I hope the correct answer to this is yes.

I wont be able to read a reply from Wednesday to Friday. But, Ill try to ge back on ASAP. Oh yeah, the Horse Capital of the World is Lexington, Kentucky. But if you googled it, lol. Oh yeah, I have worldedit too so yeah..

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: oneofakid - April 29th, 2015, 7:32:31 am

No Willbob you cant accept applications.., and sure youre our electrician...

Now that Ive got that out of the way, lets check out Hawaiis application.

1. We need your age. I can understand if you dont want everybody on forums to know, but can you please mail me in-game or on forums?
2. I guess Skype doesnt matter but its important.

So, in other words,

Welcome to the Metro Building team!
Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: UmbreonFang - May 17th, 2015, 1:15:44 am

Was it too late to post this? Well... YOLO!

Past Users: No past ones

Username: UmbreonFang

Name: Just call me Nina

Gender: Girl

Date of Birth: Can i msg it to you?

Maturity: I am mature

State/City and Country: The Big State of Texas!

Do u have Skype: Ya

Do u abide the Code of Conduct: Just let me read that again...

I will help with anything, but i like to decorate. :)

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: Asheiou - May 17th, 2015, 1:16:44 pm

Past Usernames: _MCTube_, MCTubeOfficial, Maritube.
Username: TubeDaGamer
Name: Declan Joshua Thawley (Do not research me!)
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: 18-07-2004 (British Format)
Maturity: IM mature... ::)
State/City and Country: Staffordshire, England.
Do you have Skype: I do...
I abide by the Code of Conduct.

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: oneofakid - May 19th, 2015, 8:42:38 pm

Welp. Since creative was deleted, that means the whole city is gone, which sucks. But its ok! We can start rebuilding.

Welcome to the Metro Building team!
Welcome to the Metro Building team!
You are already part of the team xD

Re: Metro City Helper Application Form
Post by: Derpehh - May 19th, 2015, 10:51:02 pm

Past Usernames: rileyalexis, and DerpehWaffle

Username: DerpehPuppy

Real Name: Riley

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: March 21, 2004

Maturity: I can be mature or immature, depending on how Im feeling that day.

State/City and Country: PARTAY IN DA USA, LEXINGTON KY

Lol, I love building and helping ppl. Cool thing is, Im okay at red-stone, good with pixel art. And buildings.

Do you have Skype? Yup!

Do you abide the Code of Conduct? Yes

Plz lemme help One. I hope u think we are friends 2.

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