[Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!

[Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: MeLoveEevee - September 17th, 2015, 1:32:54 am

Good Evening/Morning CubeBuilders!

This is Supernova50s awesome spawn that is made as a Minigames Spawn. He wants me to make this thread and take screenshots for him since he says "I can take the screenshots, but my computer just automatically discards them" so thats why im doing this for him. The screenshots are below, taken in OptiFine with graphics set to maximum. Build theme is a style from the 1600s and on my opinion, i think it is really good. Thank you for reading!

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 17th, 2015, 7:56:12 am

Cool Super!

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: oneofakid - September 17th, 2015, 3:20:51 pm

Feel like it could use a bit more color. Other than that I like it.

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: SuperNova50 - September 17th, 2015, 4:01:14 pm

[quote author=One link=topic=4697.msg24773#msg24773 date=1442517651]
Feel like it could use a bit more color. Other than that I like it.
It is an older style build, not supposed to have alot of color its supposed to look old

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: StativeSpencer - September 17th, 2015, 4:08:21 pm

[quote author=SuperNova50 link=topic=4697.msg24775#msg24775 date=1442520074]
[quote author=One link=topic=4697.msg24773#msg24773 date=1442517651]
Feel like it could use a bit more color. Other than that I like it.
It is an older style build, not supposed to have alot of color its supposed to look old
What about wood could add a little color while going with the style

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: Peppah - September 17th, 2015, 7:06:43 pm

Looks awesome! ;D

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: fritzerman_ - September 17th, 2015, 7:59:45 pm

I think it looks good, just in my opinion theres too much repetition of blocks, it needs some pazaz. But thats pretty easy to do so otherwise it is great. (Pazaz, puzaz, pizaz? eh whatever)

Re: [Spawn Submission] Supernova50's Minigames Spawn!
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 17th, 2015, 9:49:23 pm

[quote author=SuperNova50 link=topic=4697.msg24775#msg24775 date=1442520074]
[quote author=One link=topic=4697.msg24773#msg24773 date=1442517651]
Feel like it could use a bit more color. Other than that I like it.
It is an older style build, not supposed to have alot of color its supposed to look old

Ya one go to history class (audience: "oooooo") rekt m8

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