A Brand New City

A Brand New City
Post by: battymuncher - July 12th, 2014, 2:47:27 pm

Me and Skyrun02 have been working really hard to create a city in creative on our favorite Minecraft server. After lots of hard work me and Sky have managed to fill half our plot with places to eat, shops and entertainment for you all to enjoy!

At the end theres some info about our town, If you have any other questions or would like to leave a review thewwn leave me a comment and I would be extremely Grateful.

Post by: battymuncher - July 12th, 2014, 2:56:56 pm

Here is a survey on our town so If you have visited our town we would be extremely grateful If you could fill it in and give us your feedback. Thanks



How did you find our town (Put a x next to the appropriate answer)

I came across it while walking ( )
My friend was there so I teleported to them ( )
I telported to Skyrun02 ( )
I telported to livie18 ( )
My plot is very close to the city ( )

Did you enjoy our city?

Do you have any questions or suggestions?

Thank you for completing our survey.

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