CubeBuilders Arising (Part 13 - Remembering Names)

CubeBuilders Arising (Part 13 - Remembering Names)
Post by: LeonemMorsu - November 25th, 2014, 7:59:44 pm

Sparkles rubbed her head as the courteous maid Hawaii poured the water from the pitcher into a bowl, with a wash rag. "You seemed to gain a small fever when you were brought here, so I tended to you while you slept." Hawaii said. She felt Sparkless forehead for her fever.

"Well, its gone down. Thats a good thing, at least." Hawaii said, relieved. Sparkles watched her as she wrung out the damp, warm wash rag and came over with it, dabbing Sparkless arms with it, cleaning her bruises from the fall in the desert.

"... How did I get here?" Sparkles continued to ask. Hawaii didnt look up at her, but answered as she cleansed Sparkless wounds.

"As soon as you fell unconscious, one of your friends brought you back to your group and the immediately packed up and galloped faster than a mine train. They were all tuckered out when they got here, especially this one boy with red eyes and some black adventurers type clothing. He had you cradled in his arms and was begging the guards to let them in until the royal brothers convinced them to let the pack in. Worried sick, he was. He almost refused to leave your side last night."

Poor K0RBEK... What have I done... Sparkles thought in pity. Hawaii continued to explain the story of how they got to the palace.

"We checked you up and down for any wounds of any kind. But we couldnt find a single thing. Well, only your bruises and this..." Hawaii lifted up Sparkless undershirt, revealing a large, dark-red scar that went down from her collarbone to her stomach.

Sparkles gasped. It was the same as in her dream. In the same exact place, same exact length, same exact shape, same exact colour. It was so strange. "May I ask how you got this, mlady?" Hawaii asked, dabbing the wash rag on the scar.

Sparkles hesitated. She couldnt explain it. She had no recollection of ever gaining this wound. "I... I have no idea... Honest..." Sparkles mumbled. Hawaii looked up at her. Her eyes were stern, yet filled with worry. "Are you sure? This doesnt seem like the type of wound that would appear out of nowhere."

Sparkles held her head. "I agree. But I honestly have no recollection of ever gaining this wound. I have never engaged in battle with anyone, I wasnt scratched or bitten by a night creature, I didnt fall or scrape against anything. Well, I fell down in some sand, but sand wouldnt make this!" Sparkles said, starting to panic.

Hawaii rest her hand on her shoulder. "Hush, now. Relax. Calm down, mlady. Well figure this out. But now, it is time to get up and meet with your friends, and his royal highness." Hawaii coaxed. Sparkles panted, and calmed herself. There was no explanation for this wound. Now she knew she wasnt going mad. This was real.

Sparkles shook off her panic and worry. She stood, stretching. She felt her scar. No pain whatsoever. Hmm.

Hawaii handed Sparkles her clothes, all clean and free of a single speck of dirt. They looked brighter, too. And smelled nice. Sparkles re-dressed herself and brushed out her hair. Hawaii opened the door for her and led her the way to where her friends waited.

Hawaii opened the door to what could not be mistaken as a large dining hall. A very regal one, at that. More regal than that bedroom. A bunch of servants were pulling food trays, serving plates and taking some away, cleaning every inch of the place, you name it. The people seated there at the large table were her faction members, as well as the royal entourage, and some few additions she has never seen before.

Everyone turned as the door shut behind her. Kor, who wasnt seated too far from the door, dropped his fork onto the table, nearly knocking his chair over when racing up to her. He hugged her tightly out of relief. "Sparkles! Oh my Notch, I was so worried for you!" Kor said, pulling her close. Sparkles was taken off a bit at first, but hugged back. "I was too, Kor."

Army, Waffle, and Alia hummed the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song. A few new additions at the table snickered at that. Kor glared at them, letting Sparkles go. She giggled and waved. "Are you alright, Sparkles?" Big asked, coming up to her. Sparkles spun around, then stopped perfectly still, with a smile. "All well and healthy. Couldnt be better." Sparkles grinned. Kor sighed out of relief. Big, too. "Well then, in that case, come sit down. Breakfast is ready." Big gestured.

A butler scooted out a chair for her, and she sat down. Big and Kor took their seats again. "Ah yes. Sparkles?" Britt said, grabbing her attention. Sparkles looked towards her as the same butler who scooted her in poured in some beverage in her glass. "I would like you to meet some friends."

Britt gestured to four people beside her. Three men and one woman. Interesting. She wondered who these people were.

"This here is BrowtherHoodz.” Britt introduced. Browther was a surly, aggressive-looking man. He looked older than Big. He had brown, messy hair, a stubble, and cocoa-brown eyes. A scar could be spotted over his left eye. His outfit suggested him a warrior of some kind, more like an explorer. He looked like the type who wouldnt like to be bothered at sorts.

"This is jakeoman..." Jake looked rather strange. He looked like something out of Homestuck. But not only that, he looked like this creepy, monochrome clown. Like Laughing Jack, for say. In fact his clown outfit was identical to Laughing Jacks. Sparkles felt a shiver down her spine. She could feel her head humming the theme to the Twilight Zone.

"This is Abbygbrink12..." Abby, the only new woman, looked about Prays age. She had curly emerald green hair, pale, freckled skin, and... strangely, her eyes were different colours. Her left eye was a shining silver, the other was an amethyst violet. She attire suggested her a wizard or Mage of some kind. Her robes were a darker green than her hair, and the clothes under that suggested her a priest. Maybe she worked two jobs.

"And this is Akiraff." Aki looked, well, different. Aki was a man that looked like a woman. He, or she for that matter, was VERY different. Akis hair was a shiny red, like ruby. Though, it ran down to his waist. Akis skin was about as dark as Bigs. His eyes were an ice blue colour. He wore an outfit that befitted him to look like either Alucard from Hellsing or Grell from Kuroshisuji. Just... Wow.

"So many interesting people. I fear I may have trouble remembering names, now." Sparkles said nervously, giggling. The others laughed. "Well, go on and feast to your desires. The meeting will begin soon." Pray en-stated. The others complied and devoured their breakfast. Though, there was an exception.

Sparkles wasnt eating. She was still so rattled from that nightmare. What did all that mean? Does it have any meaning at all? Can anyone help me? Does someone feel as I do? Am I-

"Sparkles? You alright?" Big asked. Sparkles snapped out of her delusions. "O-Oh yes... Im fine." Sparkles responded. "Well, Id say differently." Big responded. "How so?" Sparkles inquired.

Big pointed to her plate. She hadnt even graced her food. "You havent eaten. You need to eat. Youll need the energy." Big said again, taking a swig of some ale-type drink. Sparkles giggled nervously and nibbled through her food. But as soon as she took a bite, someone burst through the doors.

It was Hawaii, the faithful and kind maid from before. "Your Majesties! The meeting us going to begin in five minutes! King Siggi must not wait any longer!"

Re: CubeBuilders Arising (Part 13 - Remembering Names)
Post by: null - November 26th, 2014, 7:36:35 am

LMAO "Aki was aman that looked like a woman". ;)

Re: CubeBuilders Arising (Part 13 - Remembering Names)
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - November 26th, 2014, 11:29:20 am

I came up with the Akiraffs a guy thing.

Re: CubeBuilders Arising (Part 13 - Remembering Names)
Post by: LeonemMorsu - November 26th, 2014, 11:40:31 am

Wait, so which is Aki? Because of Akis profile picture and the fact of that one weird post, I just soooooo imagined Grell as Aki for some reason. ._.

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