2014 CubeBuilders 2015

2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: Akiraff - December 29th, 2014, 8:13:28 am

Feel free to share your first and last moments of 2014! Include images, videos, songs, etc...

+ How did you spent your first seconds of 2014?
+ What are you planning to do your last seconds of 2014?
+ How did 2014 went for you?
+ What is your Minecraft New Years Resolution

It is important to share your thoughts on CubeBuilders forum, this let the community know more about yourself and be open-minded.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: 2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: Akiraff - December 29th, 2014, 8:23:48 am

[glow=red,2,300]+ How did you spent your first seconds of 2014?[/glow]
My first seconds spent on 2014 was on CubeBuilders, I was with PocketOwn8 and Siggi88 killing pig on the pig spawner.

[glow=red,2,300]+ What are you planning to do your last seconds of 2014?[/glow]
Depending on my mood, I feel that going to celebrate this year with my family with lots of food and beverage drinks.

[glow=red,2,300]+ How did 2014 went for you?[/glow]
There were a lot of up and downs this year for me. This feeling of finishing high school six months ago, was the greatest achievement in my life also one of worse. To be honest 2014 wasnt one of the greatest year that Ive been expecting to be, but hopefully 2015 can change my paths, and who knows the challenges that I need to challenge for 2015.

[glow=red,2,300]+ What is your Minecraft New Years Resolution[/glow]
My New Years Resolution is to finish a personal project that Ive been working the blueprint for a while. But my actual resolution is to improve my building skills and start terraforming for 2015.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: 2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: freakJammies - December 31st, 2014, 6:12:53 am

My first seconds of 2014 were not on Cubebuilders sadly. I didnt know what Cubebuilders was and I hadnt got a computer to play Minecraft on so I couldnt play Minecraft

Ill probably be on Cubebuilders for the last few seconds of 2014 :P

Lots of downs for 2014. Actually just one big one but its personal so I wont say it. But an up is that I found out how awesome Cubebuilders was :D

Minecraft New Years Resolution? I dont usually make one but I will for the sake of this post. Finally stop looking for a good Minecraft skin! And play more video games. (I dont know if I can Ive been playing too much in the last week)

Cheers, Lucarioguy64

Re: 2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: ztwitch2 - December 31st, 2014, 6:13:27 am

How did I spend my first seconds of 2014?
Asleep -.-

What am I planning to do on my last seconds of 2014?
Write this post -.-

How did 2014 go for me?
Up in flames. I went to many mine craft servers, but only this one I like. My friends are on it though. Theres cool admins to beat at quake and FFA.

What is my resolution?
Get a life and stuff my face with candy! -.- ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Re: 2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: dtown2002 - December 31st, 2014, 10:36:47 am

I want to find out all the myths to my old fac thecavemen. Me and BradmasterX (my rl friend) are going to find out what these myths are. Wish me luck!!!

Re: 2014 CubeBuilders 2015
Post by: InvalidSession - December 31st, 2014, 2:54:21 pm

[shadow=red,left]+ How did you spent your first seconds of 2014?
In Toronto,ON, asleep :P
+ What are you planning to do your last seconds of 2014?
In Kitchner,ON, Playing minecraft on cubebuilders factions or asleep
+ How did 2014 went for you?
Good, and a bit bad
+ What is your Minecraft New Years Resolution?
Well, i will like if im a pro at math

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