Re: War
Post by: Livetabon - March 10th, 2015, 8:51:22 am
This is completely true.
AkiraEnderprises has grown considerably and I may have not been around to see outerhaven much in action for I can already tell you what we do differently then that faction.
1: We do not raid other player bases, we may mess around with them but we dont kill and hunt down other factions.
2: the above is disreguarded if a bigger faction on the server starts to constantly kill and raid smaller factions. (New factions that have just started.) so to speak. The factions targeting newer faction members and mercilessly killing will immediately get enemied from our base and we will hunt your faction down (still dependant on faction size.)
3: we have allies, something OH did not have.
4: we can be found. Outerhaven was located in THE END. There was no way for an average player to find it. I can assure you Akira enderprises is very easy to find/see. We are all very surprised no one has found us yet. Our base is above ground (like many of our structures. And its massive to the point of being obnoxious.
All of the above being said we do indeed show vast differences between outerhaven and AE. Sime say AE is a staff faction but in reality many of our members became staff after making the faction. Like for example me, I was a member for several weeks in there before applying for staff.