Alright, Ive sort of seen that not many people know when people are hacking and when their not, so Im gonna show you what I know about hacks!
Basic Hacks
These are usually easy to spot
Most of you guys should know what this is, it is when a player hits others without doing anything, these guys are very easy to spot. How To Spot Them: 1. If they are hitting you while doing it in an abnormal way most likely they are using Killaura 2. Most dumb hackers tend to put Killaura on while their afk, to check if their actually hacking you walk back and forth while strafing/spinning around them.
Tip: Try not to fight them if you have suspicions on the player
Anti KB
This is another very easy one to spot, Anti KB is well no Knockback taken. How To Spot Them: 1. If youre able to find that the possible hacker is not taking knockback then you now know that he/she is hacking.
Tip: You think that an ally (dunno why you would snitch on your ally) is hacking, although you cant him/her. You should tell your ally to help you with building/mining and purposely try to get mobs to hit them.
Auto Armor
Again, another very easy one to spot, Auto Armor is when the foes armor break and then as soon as it breaks it is on again!
How to spot them: 1. If you hear their armor break but it doesnt show it broke then its a high chance that hes hacking.
Tip: Most people tend to put their armor in their hotbar, this may make people think that their using hacks although a way you can spot that the armor is in their hotbar is to see if theres a delay if they put their helmet on. ex. my enemys helmet broke but theirs a few seconds before he scrolls to his helmet and right clicks.
Big Boy Hacks
These are usually hard to spot
Safe Aura
Simular to Kill Aura this allows to hit a player without being in its hitbox. How to spot; I really dont know how to spot these guys in game although if you were able to watch a clip you should be able to see it, so again if they hit you abnormally far near the hitbox its a high chance hes using Safe Aura.
Plenty of people with a crap cps use this or they just want to be a total butt. How to spot; If you see a guy that just swing until the cows come home then most likely they are l33t hax0rs.
So hope you learn a thing or two, and I hope I dont get accused of hacks anymore :P. Sep.4.2015 NOTE: I understand that I hardly added any hacks but im just too lazy xD.