I feel bad for leaving

I feel bad for leaving
Post by: flagrocker - January 16th, 2016, 12:38:01 am

i got this sensation in my head that wants me to stay i dont know if i should fully continue to quit or come back what should i do?

Re: I feel bad for leaving
Post by: CookiesFly - January 16th, 2016, 12:50:18 am

Its really your decision Cole, I mean its not exactly my problem (omg i sounds so rude right now xD) but I kind of have a bias because you are my friend (or something :I). So i really cant help you decide without putting my own (personal) opinion, but other wise; our faction kind-of needs you. I mean you were a good leader and stuff ^.^ (You can notice my personal bias in this xD)

Re: I feel bad for leaving
Post by: androosu - January 16th, 2016, 12:22:47 pm

[quote author=flagrocker link=topic=5339.msg28536#msg28536 date=1452922681]
i got this sensation in my head that wants me to stay i dont know if i should fully continue to quit or come back what should i do?

Well, remember you can join back any time. This sensation you got may be saying you only wanted a break from CubeBuilders. Maybe try going on a temporarily leave, and if you feel guilty maybe try coming back. But, thats you decision. Us players can tell you our opinions, but we cant tell you what to think.

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