I Will likely never become staff.
Why? I dont fit all of the requirements DX
1 post daily: nope XD
im 10, thx age limit
and other stuff, idk if they effect my resume, but i have a wonderous record XD
so yeah, my dreams of being watcher are little memories now.
BUT, I will also never leave cb! ^-^ (unless it isnt my descision)
I am super happy with cb, its my favorite server, and it was my first.
ive also been on cb for a verry long time
(Preveous names: Kered0luck, Halo3rockstar, Cubebuilder, actualcube,Pax_moderator<--Current)
I have alot of freinds on cb, and im hoping to make new ones!
If you haveant met me, im on just about daily (Pax_Moderator)