Skyblock Library

Skyblock Library
Post by: XalanthDarkFire - April 1st, 2019, 9:48:57 am

Hey guys, I have restarted my island, and I will be making a large library, my plan for this library is that I want personalised books, from other players, in which other players can read, these can be auto-biographies, faction and non-fiction books, fantasy, action and adventure, science-fiction, books from the real world, and books made up. I want them all, write a book, (50 page max remember) and leave them with me or ZersoWildmight. Make sure you close them so people know you wrote it, I am also looking for series of books, so if you make a book and there will be another part please make sure its title has part I, II, III ect.

If neither me nor ZersoWildmight are available when you have a book made, please leave me a /mail and I will get back to you ASAP.

Please note: this is a request, please don't expect to be paid, for this. *I will reimburse those who bring me really good (made up) stories.

Please note: I do not want "once upon a time" stories.


Best Author will receive a lump sum of $10000** to go towards your book becoming a best-lent book.

All books will cost 5 Diamonds to read. These prices are to cover the book being lent out (2 Diamonds ) and the charges for loss or no-return (3 Diamonds )

All authors will be credited, and any players who do not return books they borrow will not be allowed to borrow more books.

*Reimbursement will only be on Skyblock and will only happen if:
The book is really good
Is interesting.
Isn't in-complete.
Has no spelling mistakes.

**The reward of $10000 will only be rewarded to the best author when there are at least 10 Authors in for the prize
This reward is also in-game on Skyblock ONLY.

Thanks for your time.


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