Minigame Idea

Minigame Idea
Post by: XalanthDarkFire - April 1st, 2019, 12:05:20 pm

Hello Citizens of Cubebuilders.

I have another idea for a mini game for Cubebuilders.

This game consists 10 players all running around trying not to fall to their deaths. There are multiple varieties of this.

One idea leading from this is:
1 question with 5 possible answers only one is correct and players must race to the correct question, within 10 seconds the whole floor except for a 3x3 space where they must stand for the right question.
Questions keep coming until there is only 1 player left or until 25 questions. The winner(s) get a prize, if there are multiple winners the prize is split between them.

Another idea is a dance-floor type room, 64x64 spacing, for 10 players to have some space, and the floor changes colour randomly all the time, after 10 seconds the floor stops and players have 5 seconds to get to a specific colour or they fall, last person standing (only one can remain even if that means the game lasts an hour) wins cubetokens.

Another idea is that players must fight to the death on thin beams spanning in all directions and players must try and knock each other off, last person standing wins.

Another idea is lava is rising and players must find a way to get to the top of the map, knocking people back down, whilst also making sure they avoid players attacks.

There are loads of different ideas for this kinda stuff. I fyou can think of more comment below and also comment if you think this could be a good idea!

Thanks for your time.


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