Hacker who took everything. Her name: Humjo

Hacker who took everything. Her name: Humjo
Post by: Despero - April 5th, 2014, 7:06:57 pm

OK so listen, this girl named Humjo has only leather armor and I have full diamond, she had me down to two hits because I couldnt get close because of her force field hacks as well as her aim bot. she clicked so fast with aim bot I died almost instantly. Keep in mind Im wearing FULL DIAMOND. So then I thought wow kind of stupid. I turned on the recorder because she got a hold of my prot 4 armor and super OP sword (sahrp5,fire2,knockback2,...there is more but I cant think) and I now realize she is hacking when she was hitting me with a stone sword and I had full diamond with gapples and I almost died. So anyways, this video demonstrates some of her hacks. I couldnt get close becuase of forcefield and the hits were in such quick succession I died almost instantly. Not to mention her bow aimbot, I was probably 100 blocks in the air when suddenly her bow fired with deadly accuracy and hit me. Skill? I dont think so. Watch this video and if you need more to go off I recorded another one but It wasnt great. Thanks. The file was to large to upload so i, I will show you personally when you get on.

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