Demodded for flying during pvp?

Demodded for flying during pvp?
Post by: Despero - April 20th, 2014, 3:12:11 pm

Ok, let me get this straight, I was flying during pvp? Let me be clear, if you were there and saw how it happened you would know that I wasnt flying during pvp. You would know that after I was killed by rdigs and bigboss I said GG and moved on. I wanted to watch what they were doing to a persons base, so I put /god and /fly on. They KNEW that I had it on, I never attacked them, in fact I didnt ever even hit them. So where is the line between me spectating the demolition of a base with fly and god, and pvping them with fly on? Please explain.

Re: Demodded for flying during pvp?
Post by: zLemonProz - April 21st, 2014, 4:40:21 am


When I was staff previously Siggi88 told be that we shouldnt be using fly or god mode at all unless it is for moderation purposes. So i guess even if your not in PVP you shouldnt be flying or in godmode. Unless Siggi88 has changed his mind about the rules i guess thats why you were demoted :/


Thanks BigBoss for having my back!
Post by: Despero - April 21st, 2014, 9:54:21 pm

Thanks dude! Hopefully minikoolwhip realizes this!

Re: Demodded for flying during pvp?
Post by: Aikaboy - April 21st, 2014, 10:08:49 pm

I was also there during this moment. Kobe was not breaking any rules as far as moderators go, to the furthest of my knowledge. He simply was spectating a raid, and had no armor, and no weapons. He never touched any of the raiders, or the raid-e. I dont believe his demotion was fair.

In addition to this!
Post by: Despero - April 21st, 2014, 10:55:43 pm

In addition to this, a warning would have been appreciated, especially considered that at the time of me receiving the spot as moderator the /fly command in the commands for staff said "Dont use while raiding or pvping". It never mentioned for moderation purposes only. I believe a warning would have been an accurate punishment and I would have ever done it again. Please take that into consideration.

Re: Demodded for flying during pvp?
Post by: zLemonProz - April 22nd, 2014, 11:32:57 am


I know this post is not about me but I would just like to agree with kobes statement of you should of given him a warning. I never received a warning about the reason I got demoted.

If Siggi88 or minikoolwhip warned me that I was on the stage of nearly being demoted, I would of stopped whatever i was doing and changed the way I act. I do feel that an instant demotion was too much. Now I know the reason for my demotion, I have stopped doing what it was and have acted a lot more mature. I would of been a much more sensible and mature staff Member and I disagree with mine and kobes demotion and that is was unfair without warning. If I continued after the warning than fair enough, I deserve a demotion, but without warning, I have to disagree.

Apologies again for the reason this isnt my post. Its just the same subject so I thought it would be easier for me and the staff.


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