Why is cubebuilders not working?

Why is cubebuilders not working?
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - March 31st, 2016, 2:17:57 am

Cubebuilders is STILL offline, 2-4 hours later, can someone fix this thankyou

Re:Why is cubebuilders not working?
Post by: Rockcandygamer - March 31st, 2016, 3:58:28 am

I have a theory on why Cube isn't working. Now I am not a computer wiz but I believe some PCs (like mine) updated to newer versions that cube hasn't supported. SO my solution is to either update or downgrade your version to properly contribute to Cubebuilders. I haven't been in this position before so I'm still in the works of trying to figure out how to get in, If you have any theory as to why you cannot open in the server, feel free to PM at anytime!

Re:Why is cubebuilders not working?
Post by: Rockcandygamer - March 31st, 2016, 4:02:06 am

OK! I found the version to be on CUBE! YAY! its 1.9! not 1.9.1 or 1.9.2! just 1.9 is the version cube s supporting! Hope to see you all on soon!

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