I Lost My Stuff

I Lost My Stuff
Post by: Jawshy - May 30th, 2014, 2:55:02 am

I was going to play some color shuffle with my friends. When I walked in the portal, I got a java connection exception error thing and I got kicked from the server. When I came back in, I had all my things with me inside of color shuffle. When I did /spawn, it cleared my whole inv of all the good items. I was going to transfer them from my base to my ender chest. I made a list of the important items that I lost down below. I would appreciate it if I get my items back because I lost them from a glitch or something.

Items: Prot 4, Unb 3 set of diamond armor
Bow: Power 4, Punch 2, Flame 1, Infinity 1, Unbreaking 3
Diamond Sword: Sharpness 4, Unb 3
Diamond Pickaxe: Eff 4, Unb 3
Diamond Shovel, Diamond Axe
15 God Apples
64 Diamonds

That is all the important stuff that I can remember that was lost. If we can get them back to me, Ill be online at around 10PM-12AM tomorrow or almost all day Saturday and Sunday. My time zone is PST.

Re: I Lost My Stuff
Post by: ChessNuts - May 30th, 2014, 6:28:03 am

This will be investigated by an admin soon. Thank you for reporting.

Re: I Lost My Stuff
Post by: chipsquared - June 1st, 2014, 1:51:46 am

Your items have been returned.

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