
Post by: Kereo - March 1st, 2016, 8:18:48 am

Im me, as you may know XD
I am not at all in any way close new to the server, i joined in June 18 (yay happy early 2nd anniversary ya)
I am a very cheerful, funny person in my opinoin. (nailed it)
i am 10 years old, but pleas ignore that, along with the spelling errors. (give meh a break im using a flat keyboard XD)
I have the most beutiful record that you could ever imagine (i used to be really stupid :XD: ) But now im down to about 1 mute per day XD jk
im a cool person, and i can be freinds with almost everyone! My name is Pax______ on mc (i change it to Pax_Blank monthly) But just look for "Pax" :D
:!: <--- Help me! this is agony! i was born this way this is awful!
:?: <--- Please help us! we are always in agony and hurting!
P.S. I also have a skype account :mrgreen:

Post by: MeLoveEevee - March 1st, 2016, 8:47:39 am

Welcome. My name is ExquisiteGlaceon and I love Cookies. I would pick Cookies over all the foods in the world. My second favorite are Oranges. The juice in the oranges are so tasty I can't stop but want to grab another one.

I also have love for Cars and Glaceons.

It's nice to meet you. (Even though we met way back XD )

Post by: RealSkateOh - March 1st, 2016, 8:14:30 pm

[quote=Pax_Admin]Im me, as you may know XD
I am not at all in any way close new to the server, i joined in June 18
I am a very cheerful, funny person in my opinoin. (nailed it)
i am 10 years old, but pleas ignore that, along with the spelling errors. (give meh a break im using a flat keyboard XD)
I have the most beutiful record that you could ever imagine (i used to be really stupid :XD: ) But now im down to about 1 mute per day XD jk
im a cool person, and i can be freinds with almost everyone! My name is Pax______ on mc (i change it to Pax_Blank monthly) But just look for "Pax" :D
:!: <--- Help me! this is agony! i was born this way this is awful!
:?: <--- Please help us! we are always in agony and hurting!
:lol: :mrgreen: :oops: :lol: :evil: :roll: :oops: :evil: :x :P

Post by: BarrelRacerMe - March 1st, 2016, 11:53:40 pm

I am Christy! Since we are talking about food, I like healthy food but if you ever get in a skype call with me, I will most likely be chewing Ice or cabbage! I am a barrel racer cough cough (my username) :lol: I don't know that much about myself .-. damn daniel
sorry for this embarrassment.

See you on the server!! Even though I already have in the past.


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