I'm slimestein

I'm slimestein
Post by: slimestein - December 1st, 2014, 4:29:13 am

My name is William or in game slimestein. I am 14 year old male who loves to downhill ski, play games and play on the CubeBuilders MC server. I have played since the beggining of beta not sure how many years... but and i played constantly until last februar when i stopped but now ihave taken my old favorite game up to love it again :D. Im following a template as Im lazy where it says i need to fill in my favorit food, I have no favorite food as i love most dishes and the list would be to long. I live in Sweden and currently going in 8th grade

I like to:
(x) Play Minecraft
(x) Play on CubeBuilders Server
( ) Raid other factions
( ) Go hunting for creepers
( ) Kill zombies
( ) Launch TNT cannons
( ) Build in Creative mode
(x ) PvP
(x ) Go mining
( ) Farm
(x ) Kill the Ender dragon
(x ) Watch YouTube videos
( ) Make YouTube videos
( x) Eat sushi

A little about myself: Ive played minecraft for a while atleast in total as nearly a year ago when i took a break i hada over 1000 hours played on a single server and that was only on that server. That was my favorite server and sadly it shut down while i was on my minecraft break. Now ive started to play on this server as it looks a bit similar to my old favorite server and my expections are big...I hope this server will be as good and even better as the last.
Im a small 14 year old huy who lives in Sweden but i not healthy im just magically smal.
I play minecraft all the time when theres no homework for me to do and sometimes then to.
Im sadly not a poet writer or egoist so i cant wrte much more about myself, and I hope Ill meet you all on the server.

Sorry for bad English Im trying har but my hardest is not that good.

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: Solurnis - December 1st, 2014, 8:17:49 pm

Welcome to the server!!!

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: InvalidSession - December 7th, 2014, 8:23:30 pm


Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: Karow - March 21st, 2015, 5:34:12 am

mr slime *nods*

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: Akiraff - March 21st, 2015, 7:17:03 am

Ermm. Welcome to CubeBuilders!!!

I remember when I met slimestein for the first time. Winks at slimestein.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: N3oT0pic - March 21st, 2015, 9:55:14 am

Hello william! :D

My name is Phillip and i come from denmark. So we are not so far from each other :P
See you on CubeBuilders! ;)

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: slimestein - March 22nd, 2015, 2:31:53 pm

[quote author=Karow link=topic=1428.msg9681#msg9681 date=1426930452]
mr slime *nods*
[quote author=??? link=topic=1428.msg9687#msg9687 date=1426936623]
Ermm. Welcome to CubeBuilders!!!

I remember when I met slimestein for the first time. Winks at slimestein.

CubeBuilders Administrator
[/quote] You two a bit late?
[quote author=N3oT0pic link=topic=1428.msg9703#msg9703 date=1426946114]
Hello william! :D

My name is Phillip and i come from denmark. So we are not so far from each other :P
See you on CubeBuilders! ;)
Nice! Hope to see you ingame to.

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 22nd, 2015, 11:56:58 pm

Why has everyone started commenting on this post so long after its been created? xD

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: KissMeImIrish - March 23rd, 2015, 8:12:30 am


Hey slime, my name is William too!

Re: I'm slimestein
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 23rd, 2015, 2:04:15 pm

When you think about it, Ive never welcomed Slime either.

Welcome to CubeBuilders, Mr. Slimestein! We are delighted to have the King of Slimes with us! :D

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