The most slimey timeline jet (if willbob makes one it will be shared first place

The most slimey timeline jet (if willbob makes one it will be shared first place
Post by: slimestein - February 26th, 2015, 10:10:47 am

Where do I begin?
The year was 2000, this was the year I was born.
When i was 2 i played my first games on a old comeouter. I mainly played 4 games Put Put, Freddie Fish and Pyjama Sam.
2006 i bought a DS lite, on it I played various mario and zelda games but also sonic and plenty off other games. (Note: I had to buy all games with my own and my brothers money)
2008 me and my brother bought wii, we played plenty games on it.
November 2010 i start to play Minecraft on a friends account (Alfa) then i bought the game 11january 2011.
I started to play on a server and in under 6months i had over 1500hours played(on only this specific server) I played about 40-60 hours a week.
January 2014 i stop to play minecraft for good (atleast so i thought)
March 2014 the server i played on went offline for ever.
Late november 2014: Some of my friends and i starts to play MC again.
Later in november 2014: we all join cubebuilders
31 november 2014 my friends stops to play MC again
From that I joined till 14th december noone on cubebuilders (nearly noone atleast) takes notice of this slime even though i tried to talk with people in chat i was invisible
10 december I make my slimey helper application
14 december i get accepted?people starts to notice me and people finallh wants to talk skype with me ;D
januar/febuary helpers are renamed to Watchers
21 march 2015 i get promoted to moderator

(The reason my faction is named slime is because it was named this in the first server i ever joined.)

Re: The most slimey timeline jet (if willbob makes one it will be shared first place
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 23rd, 2015, 2:06:37 pm

Promoted to mod in March 21 or Feb. 21? Or was that 2014?

Re: The most slimey timeline jet (if willbob makes one it will be shared first place
Post by: Asheiou - April 9th, 2015, 4:39:17 am

Nice timeline there ;D

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