Your Friend Hyper

Your Friend Hyper
Post by: KeepingItCrafted - March 30th, 2015, 9:53:43 pm

First off, do I really need to tell everyone who I am? Ive been here over a year. Nah Im just kidding of course Im going to introduce myself, thats why Im writing this post. Most of you know me as Hyper, which is my minecraft nickname.
As many of you know I am a helper and have been helping keep the server at its best. Of course, I couldnt do it all without you, so thank you guys!
Outside of Minecraft I do admit to being a bit of a nerd. I also enjoy being in pantomimes, musicals, and operas aswell.
This year is a busy year for me because I am taking my options for school subjects, so at the moment I have a lot going on, but I that will not stop my on-time for Cubebuilders.
I am part of the faction Slime, and despite peoples beliefs I actually live in the UK, not Sweden. I recently noticed many many people assuming because me and Slimestein are friends that we must live in the same country. No. Same continent, different country.
In school I am learning some languages: German and French. My German I am reasonable at, French I can speak all of about 50 words off by heart.
Anyway thanks for reading,
Feel free to ask any questions,

Your Friend,

Re: Your Friend Hyper
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 30th, 2015, 10:11:44 pm

Ive seen you around quite a bit but welcome!

Re: Your Friend Hyper
Post by: slimestein - March 31st, 2015, 1:42:46 am

Never seen you...
nah just kidding but people actually think you are from sweden? ;D ;D ;D

Re: Your Friend Hyper
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - March 31st, 2015, 1:56:22 am

Welcome Hyper ! Good to have you on the server to keep it clean and nice allong with all the other staff ;D

Also, I didnt know you were from the UK, I kinda also thought you lived more closely to SlimeStein instead of near me :p

Re: Your Friend Hyper
Post by: Akiraff - March 31st, 2015, 6:18:04 am

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=2428.msg10632#msg10632 date=1427780566]
Never seen you...
nah just kidding but people actually think you are from sweden? ;D ;D ;D
Honestly, I never witness myself on server. Maybe, Im bit to active on forums. Way to active... Glad you made an introduction and welcome to server

Re: Your Friend Hyper
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - March 31st, 2015, 6:56:49 am

Thats not true Akiraff, you are (kind of) active on the server. I mean, just yesterday you built a house for the first time, thats not nothing.

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