cant wait forever

cant wait forever
Post by: weaponmaster4247 - August 5th, 2015, 11:55:55 am

hi I am ArcaTales or more well known as the awesome "weaponmaster4247" this into is very overdue I mostly play factions sometimes on creative and skyblock ive been on this server for almost a year [in 4 days it will be a year for me] im good at helping others mining farming archery building and other things but im not good at pvp ive made a lot of friends on this server over time and it has been one of the best experiences [cant remember how to spell it ] ever for me

this has been Arcatales PEACE!!

Re: cant wait forever
Post by: patman96 - August 5th, 2015, 12:05:49 pm

Lol welcome to the server XD (I should make an intro for myself at some point)

Re: cant wait forever
Post by: KissMeImIrish - August 5th, 2015, 1:44:20 pm

Ive been wondering where weapon has been! Hi Arca, welcome!

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