My small, modest hotel...

My small, modest hotel...
Post by: Asheiou - May 1st, 2015, 1:56:01 pm

I made a hotel last month and Im pretty proud of it!
Here it is:

and heres the back image:

Here is the inside:

|My office

|Ground floor

|Floor 1.
The top rooms have roof access. The roof:

Hope you like it!

Re: My small, modest hotel...
Post by: KermitsBigToe - May 1st, 2015, 5:43:46 pm

Oo looks nice on the outside. I really liked how you put glowstone and Quartz together~ Really good combination when it comes to building. I also like the beacons at the side, they look nice. I like the whole building basically!

Maybe if youre finished the interior you could post screenshots of that? ~^^

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