Throwback Not Thursday

Throwback Not Thursday
Post by: BarrelRacerMe - January 31st, 2016, 7:18:28 pm

A summer where I made friends :) #tbt

Re: Throwback Not Thursday
Post by: slimestein - February 1st, 2016, 12:14:24 pm

I know what you did last summer :P

Summer of 2015 many things took place, I was in Japan for a month, one day when i called azzaowns on skype he invited me to a groupcall with Barrel who i had never talked to before, pretty good call but i never thought id talk to that weird barrel ever again. I resigned from my mod position (i didnt get demoted dammit, why does most think i got demoted?), and i made like 100 new friends, irl that is.

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