
Post by: BradmasterX - December 14th, 2014, 7:13:31 pm

Hi, Im BradmasterX. You might know me. Anyways, Im recruiting YOU to TheCaveMen.

Faction Discription: We are small, but we are strong, from the past, but we are the future.

Our Proud Allies: Divergent, RogueCraft, TheAceWolfs, hellooooo, AkiraEnderprises, TheRodents, BFForeva, teamhakos, slime, Innerhaven, HandsUpDontShoot, HyperClan, Animatronics, InfiniteEmpire, TaylorSwift, MCWarriors, hikesplay, thecoolkids, Newborn, SexySquad

Our Hated Enemies: Phoenix, AetherEmpire, BlockyPvP, TheWolfs


SmowZowDavid Smow Owner

dtown2002 d Moderator

BradmasterX Brad Moderator

Firebuster1357 Fire Moderator

Amber1McD Amber Moderator

Karla_Homolka Karla Admin

LAB308 Lab Memeber?

arelia7073 arelia Admin?

Requirements to Join

1. Trustworthy(no greifing, betrayal, ect.)

2. Tell us about you.

3. Why do you want to join?

4. What are you good at?

5. Age?

6. Do you like pie?

7. Dont trust Orka_Kill or MasterFlash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Are you going to contribute to the faction?

9. Build your own house. Can you build a house for yourself?

10. Are you going to argue with other memebers?

11. Respect ranks higher than yours. Are you?

12. Respect privacey and property. Are you?

You will be contacted in the next 72 hours.

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: BradmasterX - December 14th, 2014, 7:27:59 pm

Dont hate! It took me 45min. to do this.

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: EnderTheGreat - December 15th, 2014, 6:27:02 pm

Looks Good Man!

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: InvalidSession - December 15th, 2014, 6:29:43 pm

at least im your ally!

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: freakJammies - December 20th, 2014, 3:35:32 am

Why do you have to hate Aetherius Empire? :(

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: MystrikMC - December 20th, 2014, 12:58:13 pm

1. Trustworthy(no greifing, betrayal, ect.) yea

2. Tell us about you. you know me brad

3. Why do you want to join? i dont have a faction

4. What are you good at? building,mining,pvping,and more

5. Age? 21

6. Do you like pie? yea

7. Dont trust Orka_Kill or MasterFlash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok i wont

8. Are you going to contribute to the faction? yea

9. Build your own house. Can you build a house for yourself? YES!!!!

10. Are you going to argue with other memebers? No

11. Respect ranks higher than yours. Are you? Yea

12. Respect privacey and property. Are you? yes

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: BradmasterX - December 21st, 2014, 4:38:01 pm

[quote author=Ender Aura Assassin link=topic=1492.msg5701#msg5701 date=1419064532]
Why do you have to hate Aetherius Empire? :(
I didnt make it that way and also a lot has changed since I posted this.

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: BradmasterX - December 21st, 2014, 4:40:10 pm

CubePVPgod you have been accepted to TheCaveMen

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: InvalidSession - December 21st, 2014, 5:27:53 pm

[quote author=BradmasterX link=topic=1492.msg5727#msg5727 date=1419198010]
CubePVPgod you have been accepted to TheCaveMen

Re: TheCaveMen
Post by: BradmasterX - December 26th, 2014, 10:34:49 am

Im very sorry but TheCaveMen have fallen. When Smow traveld down south for Christmas everything failed because Smow is competently on and keeps order in EVERYTHING and without him THECAVEMEN fell. But a new faction is rising. Xtown1357!!!! Ill make a recruitment for this faction!!

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