Draconids Faction Recruitment Post

Draconids Faction Recruitment Post
Post by: freakJammies - January 1st, 2015, 3:33:18 am

This is an application to join the faction Draconids!

Name Nickname Rank
Lucarioguy64 <LoreKeeper> Admin (Leader)


That thing up there was the players we have in the faction. As you can see as Im writing this post Im the only one in it!!! Thats why we need you! Now its enough about the faction, we need to know about you and why we should accept you into our faction.

Things you need to write:
My players name is _______. The most recent faction I was in was _________.
I am _____ years old. My favourite thing to do in my spare would be to _____.

Now you may pick a job. In this list we have a lot of jobs for you to pick. You may not get the job you want so pick two jobs. Some jobs may have a word in brackets beside it. All that means is that the word might be scientific so well show you an easier word to understand.

Insert X in the ones you want (and no you cant take the X out of the "Helpful Worker" Job :P )

(X) Helpful Worker
( ) Speleologist (Miner)
( ) Guard
( ) Gatherer
( ) Mob Hunter
( ) Construction Worker (Builder)
( ) Raider (A Job That Lets You Blow Stuff Up :D )
( ) Assassin (You kill people ;D )
( ) Explorer

I hope you enjoyed our post here. Please do reply with your application.

Cheers, Lucarioguy64

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