DauntlessDragons Recruiting!

DauntlessDragons Recruiting!
Post by: oneofakid - May 4th, 2015, 8:33:04 am

We are dragons, and we are dauntless.
If youd like to be a dragon with us, please use the form below! I will mail you in game if you are accepted. Please let me know if you have any questions!

The Form
Factions you have been in:
Why we should let you in:
Do you have a Skype:
Do you accept the Terms:

The Terms
•Be respectful to all faction members, regardless of rank
•I will never give away special faction info and if I do I will risk a kick
•I will be a help to the faction
•I will be active or I will risk a kick

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: Peppah - May 11th, 2015, 10:28:48 am

Username: blackpepper11
Nickname: pepper
Age: 10
Factions you have been in: Soul Queen
Why we should let you in: Because I dont greif, and I help gather material and build the base. I even found a nether fortress once. ^-^
Do you accept the terms: Yes

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: KissMeImIrish - May 11th, 2015, 4:40:17 pm

Username: Willbob2003FTW!
Nickname: BillyBobJoes
Age: 69 ;)
Factions you have been in: Reborn, Akira Enderprises, and ProBros(Which is now dead lol)
Why we should let you in: U shouldnt cause Im not really joining Im just bored, buddy. ?Important Info!!
Do you accept the Terms: Ehhh, debatable.

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: oneofakid - May 11th, 2015, 4:44:34 pm

-_- Will

I have updated the application form and added the Do you have a Skype part. All applications from this post on shall use the new form.
And I will message you in game if youre accepted.

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: KissMeImIrish - May 11th, 2015, 4:49:49 pm

[quote author=One link=topic=2935.msg14396#msg14396 date=1431377074]
-_- Will

Does this mean Im probably not accepted? :( (Good if Im not lel)

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: NekoTiffy - May 17th, 2015, 10:14:27 am

Username: identSTtify
Nickname: Tiffany or ST
Age: 14
Factions you have been in: (blank)

Why we should let you in: i NEVER grief or steal because i know that my life will turn upside down, im good at redstone, using a bow (being an archer), gathering materials, gaining experience, i love to organize things, and im really good at keeping secrets or creating secret areas. (i have secret places all over the terrain, you wont find them even when your dead. just give me a pickaxe, redstone, an awesome mine, a bucket and about 15 mins and youll catch your death soon enough. ;)

Do you have a Skype: yes (i have a high pitched voice so it might be weird to hear me)
Do you accept the Terms: yes

Question: im currently NOT in my home town but ill be home in another week or so, does this complicate things a bit difficult to allow me in this fraction? ???

Re: GlacialDragons Recruiting!
Post by: patman96 - May 23rd, 2015, 2:45:09 pm

The Form
Username: patman96
Nickname: Pat
Age: 19
Factions you have been in: hplovecraft
Why we should let you in: I will be very active and I am a very good pvper and builder
Do you have a Skype: Yes
Do you accept the Terms: Yes

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