JamRepublic Applications

JamRepublic Applications
Post by: JAM2424 - June 2nd, 2015, 3:14:33 pm

Copy + Paste Below

Previous Factions:
Are you good at PvP:
Do you have iron or diamond armor:
Do you have a diamond sword:
How long have you played on CubeBuilders:
Do you meet requirements:


*Been in a faction before
*Good at PvP
*Have something that can improve JamRepublic
*Heard of or met JAM2424

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: realJosefStalin - June 2nd, 2015, 5:50:10 pm

Previous Factions: AkiraEnderprises,BossVille
Are you good at PvP:Amzing at bow and arrow...i suck with sword :P
Do you have iron or diamond armor:Iron :P
Do you have a diamond sword:Yep
How long have you played on CubeBuilders: To long T-T(just under a year)
Do you meet requirements:Yeet

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: JAM2424 - June 3rd, 2015, 10:02:31 am

I accept your application BrainStab! YEET!

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: realJosefStalin - June 3rd, 2015, 12:37:38 pm

:D Happeh Face :P

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: fritzerman_ - June 4th, 2015, 3:46:53 pm

Username: jambuzz06
Age: 12
Previous Factions: InfiniteEmpire, A bunch of others i dont remember...
Are you good at PvP: Yes
Do you have iron or diamond armor: I have iron with me and diamond stored away
Do you have a diamond sword: Yes (Super Slashers, normal, etc.)
How long have you played on CubeBuilders: I dont know, at least a few months
Do you meet the requirements: Yes

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: JAM2424 - June 4th, 2015, 3:48:56 pm


Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: IkiOyuncuYT - June 5th, 2015, 9:46:51 am

Previous Factions:GODZILLA
Are you good at PvP:yes
Do you have iron or diamond armor:i got iron armour
Do you have a diamond sword:yes
How long have you played on CubeBuilders:almost a year
Do you meet requirements:yes


*Been in a faction before
*Good at PvP
*Have something that can improve JamRepublic
*Heard of or met JAM2424

Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: JAM2424 - June 5th, 2015, 10:03:19 am


Re: JamRepublic Applications
Post by: Asheiou - June 12th, 2015, 4:47:48 pm

Username: TubeDaGamer
Age: 10 11 months
Previous Factions: Insurgent and I cant remember the others.
Are you good at PvP: No, but I can build and mine and slave away?
Do you have iron or diamond armor: No.
Do you have a diamond sword: A god sword
How long have you played on CubeBuilders: 4 months.
Do you meet requirements: No, but I can build and mine and slave away?

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