We will rise and destroy. Anyone that comes in our way will be destroyed.
**Leader ThatPandaDude
*AssistantLeader oneofakid
Rules are posted in the faction base.
-Must have been a member on CubeBuilders for at least 2 weeks.
-Must have played factions for at least 3 days.
-Must be loyal.
[center]Application Template:
Please copy and paste below and answer the questions.
Past Usernames:
When did you join CubeBuilders?
Why should we pick you?
Rate on a scale of 1 to 10:
-PVP Skill
-Finding Raids
If an unauthorized person is found in our base or base vicinity, what will you do?
If an ally asks to see the base, what will you say?
If somebody in our faction is raiding us, what will you do?
Troll applications will not be tolerated and be auto-rejected.