Nova Faction Recruitment

Nova Faction Recruitment
Post by: freakJammies - January 8th, 2017, 11:23:14 pm


Where bright stars are born.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About our faction:

Nova is a faction created by I, LucarioTheGuy, but one person in a faction isn't enough. I plan to have this faction grow big, go far and let Nova be a faction that people will remember when they look back on this season. Now this can only be achieved by you, yes you, joining Nova.In this faction title will be either Leader, Co-Leader, Moderator, Member or Rookie. You will move up in ranks depending on contribution to the faction, how much you are trusted and how long and often you are online. Moderators and higher will be consulted when allying factions and inviting players. We will not be accepting everyone but we will try to make this faction as inclusive as we can. Read the rules below before you decide if this is the faction for you.


Rules of Nova:

-Be as active as possible, we all know the life can get in the way but try to be on as often as you can.

-Leave inviting players to me unless I give permission. This is to make the application system more effective as well as making inside-raiding near-impossible.

-No invading personal vaults or anything like it.

-Enemying and Allying is an important part of factions. At Nova I'll carefully decide our allies along with the moderators in our faction but we will likely be enemying a lot of factions. Most of the server to be honest.

-No teleporting ANYONE, and I mean anyone into the base without permission from myself. Sometimes even allies can turn on you and I want to make this impossible.

-Finally, always try to have fun, I know this may seem obvious to some but while we appreciate when you go full tryhard mode and mine 6 hours straight having fun is very important in every pastime.

Disobeying these rules can result in anything ranging from a warning, demotion or you being kicked depending on the scale of offense.
If you feel this faction seems like the one for you apply below, or if you know someone who might enjoy being a part of Nova please share this page with them.


(Copy and paste the template below for your application. Be honest with everything in this form or you will not be accepted.)



Past Usernames:

Past Factions this season:

Any Factions you have insided in the past:

How you rate your PvP Skills (1-10):

How you rate your building and Redstone Skills (1-10):

How you rate your ontime (1-10):

Sorry if this page was a bit long but I hope you apply and good luck getting accepted!

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