Re: Velocity is now Recruiting
Post by: Firebuster1357 - November 28th, 2015, 5:30:50 pm
Current Username: Firebuster1357
Past Factions: None that i can remember and none that would pose any threats because they all have been disbanded.
Why should you join?: Because I can help this faction with anything that they need me to do.
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because I havent played in awhile because I have been caught up in school work, sports, and playing my Xbox. I started playing Minecraft again about a week ago and I forgot how much fun it had been.
Rate from 1 to 10
Mining: 6
PVP: 7/8
Finding Raids: 6
Building: 7/8
Farming: 4
What to you have to offer to make Velocity better?: Most anything that you need.
How often can you get on a in a week?: I will mostly be on during weekends,
Anything else we should know?: Nope thats it.