DarkMatter Faction Recruitment!

DarkMatter Faction Recruitment!
Post by: dtown2002 - January 21st, 2018, 4:13:17 pm

Please copy and paste the following application and reply with your answers.

In-Game Username:



Why do you want to be part of this faction?:

Additional Notes:

Any offence history?:

What factions have you been a part of?:

How active are you?:

Please put a (*) If you agree to the following statements:

() I will not grief/destroy/steal anything in and the base itself without permission from dtown2002.
() I have no substantial bans/mutes on any server.
() I will follow all rules stated in the faction.
() I understand that if I am lying about anything listed above, or caught doing anything opposing the rules, that I will be removed from the faction, or my application will be immediately rejected.

Thank you for signing up to be part of DarkMatter. I will review your Application within 2-3 days. If something goes wrong it may exceed 4 days. If I have not reviewed your application within 4 days, you may message me. But DONT spam me.

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