LightGecko (cant be a previous enemy)

LightGecko (cant be a previous enemy)
Post by: TheBritishGecko - August 9th, 2018, 2:07:19 pm

Why join us?- LightGecko has 3 leaders At the Moment _royalBlue, LightningStrike and me we have been known for previous raids srry guys but we need more members as our fac is only small on joining you will receive casual protection 1 gear and access to one of our bases wich has igs and skellys.

How to Join?- Submit a appeal below by stating your ign (in game name) why we should let you join, what we can benefit from you joining and why you would like to join.Also pm me your discord.

Rules- Dont ask to be mod, youll be kicked, dont ask for access to any of our other bases, Have to have discord, as tittle you cant join if you was previously in an enemy faction, Please ask before you take anything worth value from chests. :D

Re:LightGecko (cant be a previous enemy)
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - August 16th, 2018, 2:28:51 pm

you have a very well thought out and spelled correctly and quality faction recruitment post

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