DATA managment crew

DATA managment crew
Post by: realJosefStalin - October 24th, 2014, 10:44:53 pm

What I propose is a team based upon gathering DATA from players on the server and find out times that possibly could go for downtime based on average usage by time that at lowest point could be used as when it would be best for downtime,updates, and server construction.

They also could determine what servers are most popular and the lest popular ones we poll those who dont go and those who do and we see what we can do to improve them.


Re: DATA managment crew
Post by: Lil_Britt - October 26th, 2014, 2:09:23 pm

I think that you have a wonderful idea. The only thing I can say is that I dont think well be adding different staff-like positions at this point. But the idea can easily be moved to be the job of some current staff such as helpers. Thank you for making this suggestion and if you have anymore suggestion, let us know. Ive noticed that yours have actually been very good and I have brought them up to the other staff members. Again, thank you.

Re: DATA managment crew
Post by: realJosefStalin - October 26th, 2014, 10:03:34 pm

You just need 2 math gooks and your set.

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