
Post by: SkyrunPvP - October 26th, 2014, 5:05:39 pm

Hello there Im here to give some suggestions but I do know 1.8 is your main priority but if you can keep these in mind :P

Factions suggestions: Maybe create a new factions spawn Im not to sure on that one. 2. Maybe we could have an OP drop party once a month so people have a challenge and a chance. We could have a most money player basically same thing as top miner top player and all that, that would be cool.

Creative suggestion:Well I dont have any suggestions for creative Im trying to think of one.

Minigames suggestion: We could have different levels Easy, Medium and Hard for parkour so people also have a chance. Also We could have a new PVP arena but as the arena is still quite new Im not so sure on that. Oh also for FFA we could have a /team command where you team and cant accidently kill them.

Skyblock suggestions:Also have a little drop party once a month too.

Thank you for reading this hope you like them.


Re: Suggestions
Post by: Lil_Britt - October 26th, 2014, 7:14:30 pm

Thank you for all of your suggestions, Sky. All of them have been written down.

Re: Suggestions
Post by: battymuncher - October 27th, 2014, 4:05:26 am

These are really cool ideas sky! I luv the idea of a monthly factions drop party cos it would give some of the more new ppl like an op starter kit

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