/kit worldedit

/kit worldedit
Post by: InvalidSession - November 30th, 2014, 6:45:11 pm

hey staff members,
recently i thinked of an suggestion when im using worldedit: can you add a command called /kit worldedit for donators, it cotains some worldedit tool such as editwand.
thanks!and there is the screenshot about this kit:

Re: /kit worldedit
Post by: Akiraff - December 4th, 2014, 11:52:55 am

I like the idea of /kit WorldEdit as it is going to help new players to manage WorldEdit. caohcthefallen I believe that you should expand on your ideas and explain what would each tool do. It seems a good start, just need more details on how and what does the each tool does.

CubeBuilders Administrator

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