Adding enderpearl cool down and adding combat logg timer and pvp gangs

Adding enderpearl cool down and adding combat logg timer and pvp gangs
Post by: Strafeys - December 21st, 2014, 2:57:54 pm

[b][u]i think siggi should add this because alot of people complain about combat loggin and enderpearl glitch,it would make the server better and lots of people join,im on everyday in the server and i wish we can add this,theres alot of combat logger and its not fair for other players that wanna get kills,also enderpearl glitching,tthey should add a cool down for it so they can ender pearl out of the arena,and the gangs,there is alot of ppl that said they should add teams or gangs because alot of ppl need help in pvp and if they join a gang they can get help from the gang members and they can have more help,another reason is because cubebuilders have alot of good pvpers,we have pslamp me(aka TXxVinnyxXT),gunner,Og_midgit,jambuzz,oldmonkey,etc.over alll we should have this and i bet it would be better and fair ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: Adding enderpearl cool down and adding combat logg timer and pvp gangs
Post by: Oaad - December 22nd, 2014, 1:38:08 pm

Well i dont think adding "gangs" would work due to the outside world reference haha. But adding teams could possibly work but that just seems like factions. Ill see if i can get some of higher up staff to view this. Thanks, and have a great day! :)

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