A Pvp Suggestion

A Pvp Suggestion
Post by: JAM2424 - December 23rd, 2014, 9:20:25 am

Ive heard that people were competing in the pvp tournament. I have something to kind of add on to that. I think at the end of every month CubeBuilders should have a leaderboard on who has the most player kills. The top 15 would go to the tournament at the end of the year. The winner would be crowned 2014 (or whatever year) pvp champion.



Re: A Pvp Suggestion
Post by: Oaad - December 23rd, 2014, 8:01:07 pm

That sounds like a really nice idea!

Re: A Pvp Suggestion
Post by: JAM2424 - December 24th, 2014, 11:09:46 am

Thanks ;D

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