Suggestion! :D

Suggestion! :D
Post by: freakJammies - January 9th, 2015, 2:47:15 am

About a week ago I noticed bedrock was in the shop for some reason. :P I think it sold for about 20M. Now the thing is, what if you accidentally bought it? You can buy Bedrock but not sell it. If you auctioned it people might not believe that is was in the shop and try to report you. Then so many people would just report players for that reason. But its wasting space on the forums because it is legitimate. Thanks for reading.

Re: Suggestion! :D
Post by: Livetabon - January 9th, 2015, 3:00:50 pm

I believe bedrock was put in the shop as a gag/joke/easter egg for the other players.

20mil for one bedrock block isnt really worth it, isnt it?

Besides Id spend 20mil on a nice shiny statue instead if it were me.

Try not to accidently buy one, but if you do have one because you saved up and purchased good for you! If you buy it (much like any item in the shop) you will not get your money back!

Id place it somewhere special like some sort of trophy.

But maybe that 20mil statue on the top of that pyramid is pretty tempting too.

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