Creative Suggestion!

Creative Suggestion!
Post by: KingKameronGames - January 9th, 2015, 9:09:41 am

Hello! My name is KingKameronB, and I would like to give a suggestion in Creative. THE PROBLEM - I am on Creative a lot, and I help out people on their plot. Currently, I am helping someone build a Theme-park and a mini Survival Games. I am also a part of a Hotel. However, I can only access them when they are online, so I can tpa to them when they are in the plot. THE SOLUTION - I think that there should be a command that you can teleport to plots, so like /tpa -10;98 or something along those lines. Thanks for reading!

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: EnderTheGreat - January 28th, 2015, 6:14:45 pm

I think this is a great idea! I think it may already be in the works. Ill check with Siggi to be sure

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: InvalidSession - January 29th, 2015, 4:29:09 pm

i think siggi88 should add it

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Ch1nchilla015 - January 29th, 2015, 4:32:11 pm

Yeah! Thats a great idea! ;D

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: albanybrookexo - February 2nd, 2015, 1:11:22 pm

Amazing Idea!! It would be VERY helpful !!

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Akiraff - February 5th, 2015, 5:17:08 pm

[quote author=KingKameronB link=topic=1611.msg6035#msg6035 date=1420812581]
Hello! My name is KingKameronB, and I would like to give a suggestion in Creative. THE PROBLEM - I am on Creative a lot, and I help out people on their plot. Currently, I am helping someone build a Theme-park and a mini Survival Games. I am also a part of a Hotel. However, I can only access them when they are online, so I can tpa to them when they are in the plot. THE SOLUTION - I think that there should be a command that you can teleport to plots, so like /tpa -10;98 or something along those lines. Thanks for reading!

Ensure to do some research about plots. Yes you are able to teleport your friends plot by

/plotme info Will give you the id plot [0;0]
/plotme tp <id> Teleports to ID plot.

/plotme tp 0;0
It is a semi-colon NOT colon.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Livetabon - February 5th, 2015, 5:23:15 pm

Actually Akira players cannot do that. They do not have access to that function, their permission for it is denied when typing in that command.

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Akiraff - February 5th, 2015, 5:27:21 pm

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=1611.msg6927#msg6927 date=1423174995]
Actually Akira players cannot do that. They do not have access to that function, their permission for it is denied when typing in that command.
I was unaware of it. Thank you for taking a note on that, I guess the best solution it is able to players gain the access command.

However there will be restrictions towards /plotme tp command:
Players are only able to teleport towards plots that they have been added. This way we avoid creative server from being crashed, from players teleporting random plots.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Akiraff - February 17th, 2015, 9:36:48 am

Akiraff approves this suggestion. You may have a +1 reputation

CubeBuilders Administration
Re: Creative Suggestion!
Post by: Livetabon - February 17th, 2015, 9:41:11 am

It would definitely help, especially for helpers that find more than one plot that needs to be looked at. We dont have access to multuple set homes so sometimes writting down the plot ID will just have to do.

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