Factions, Creative, and Minigames ideas

Factions, Creative, and Minigames ideas
Post by: SuperNova50 - January 18th, 2015, 8:42:46 am

Factions: Add back all armor and swords.
Creative: Colorchat and pets for everyone (all mobs can be a pet)
Minigames: trampoline contest.
that is all i have

Re: Factions, Creative, and Minigames ideas
Post by: slimestein - January 19th, 2015, 2:45:36 pm

[quote author=GrumpyCatLover link=topic=1650.msg6153#msg6153 date=1421588566]
Factions: Add back all armor and swords.
Creative: Colorchat and pets for everyone (all mobs can be a pet)
Minigames: trampoline contest.
that is all i have


1.all armor and swords exist
2.colourchat and pet is a perk for donators
3. Seems like a good idea

Re: Factions, Creative, and Minigames ideas
Post by: EnderTheGreat - January 28th, 2015, 6:12:01 pm

what do you mean add back armor and swords? All types are available.

Re: Factions, Creative, and Minigames ideas
Post by: Livetabon - January 28th, 2015, 8:08:19 pm

He probably means add back god swords/armors back.

Which we will not do.

Im sorry. :(

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