Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions

Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions
Post by: Akiraff - January 29th, 2015, 11:30:15 pm

I have been seeing a trend of hackers who enter in combat arena with potion of invisibility in order not to be caught. In my personal opinion, I would say removing potion of invisbility will make players less fear in catching hackers who tend to be invisible entire time while breaking CubeBuilders rules.

It seems that it is required to balance potions in FFA in order to drop the numbers of hackers using several unfairness tool in order to damage the community.

Potions to be removed:
- Remove splash potions: players tend to camp with splash potions on the entrance of arena.
- Remove invisibility potion: several hackers are using this, in order to bypass the rules.

Cubebuilders Administrator

Re: Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions
Post by: InvalidSession - January 30th, 2015, 8:11:25 am

can we use splash potions in arena

Re: Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions
Post by: Livetabon - January 30th, 2015, 10:13:03 am

I find a lot of players fight with invis too though....

Idk I feel that it would really suck taking them away... they are annoying though.

I wouldnt mind making the potion of night vision have a few added effects like allowing players to see invis players.

Splash potions on the other hand? I agree, they are spammed all over the place in creative mode within ffapvp, also spawn eggs. Just anything useless that can noise spam. If you want your effects you should risk the drinking time.


Re: Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions
Post by: KermitsBigToe - January 30th, 2015, 11:22:04 am

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=1752.msg6627#msg6627 date=1422630783]
I find a lot of players fight with invis too though....

Idk I feel that it would really suck taking them away... they are annoying though.

I wouldnt mind making the potion of night vision have a few added effects like allowing players to see invis players.

Splash potions on the other hand? I agree, they are spammed all over the place in creative mode within ffapvp, also spawn eggs. Just anything useless that can noise spam. If you want your effects you should risk the drinking time.


That sounds like a great idea Liv. Maybe get rid of fireworks in Free For All as well, because I have seen players spamming fireworks which causes a great deal of lag.

Re: Remove: Potion of Invisibility || Splash Potions
Post by: Akiraff - February 1st, 2015, 1:37:53 pm

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=1752.msg6627#msg6627 date=1422630783]
I find a lot of players fight with invis too though....

Idk I feel that it would really suck taking them away... they are annoying though.

I wouldnt mind making the potion of night vision have a few added effects like allowing players to see invis players.

Splash potions on the other hand? I agree, they are spammed all over the place in creative mode within ffapvp, also spawn eggs. Just anything useless that can noise spam. If you want your effects you should risk the drinking time.


There is still no intention in adding side-effects in auto-balancing the potion of invisibility, since players use for hacking purposes. It is the best to completely removing potion of invisibility in Free-For-All PvP, since it is a Free-For-All arena after all.

However, if the arena was 1v1 or 2v2, then potion of invisibility should be added, since it would be a "controlled arena", meaning if a player is using potion of invisibilty, the enemy player would no which person is using or not.

[quote author=SovietPickle link=topic=1752.msg6631#msg6631 date=1422634924]
That sounds like a great idea Liv. Maybe get rid of fireworks in Free For All as well, because I have seen players spamming fireworks which causes a great deal of lag.
Yes I do agree with you SovietPickle, that would be great idea in removing fireworks also in Free-For-All PvP. I did experience before with massive sound blasting on my ears and causing lag spikers.

CubeBuilders Administrator

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