
Post by: MystrikMC - February 2nd, 2015, 4:52:37 pm

In mob arena we earn diamonds and emeralds, but what for???
can the staff make it so the diamonds and/or emeralds go to factions when you earn them in mob arena? PLEASE ADD THIS.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Suggestion
Post by: Livetabon - February 2nd, 2015, 6:21:04 pm

I would very much like this! Hopefully the mob arena can be fixed soon!

See you in game!


Re: Suggestion
Post by: MystrikMC - February 7th, 2015, 6:38:43 pm


Re: Suggestion
Post by: Akiraff - February 14th, 2015, 9:19:47 am

[quote author=CubePVPGod link=topic=1794.msg6828#msg6828 date=1422913957]
In mob arena we earn diamonds and emeralds, but what for???
can the staff make it so the diamonds and/or emeralds go to factions when you earn them in mob arena? PLEASE ADD THIS.

Thank you for your time.
When CubeBuilders had only two sevres (Faction and Creative server), minigames were also part of Faction server back in 2013, where the rewards that players got from Mob Arena was directly transfered to the faction inventory. After the CubeBuilders community expanded, Siggi separated in five different sections (Skyblocks, Creative, Factions, Minigames and Lobby), thereby the Mob Arena was on minigames server, the reward was out-dated. Therefore the rewards didnt matter on Minigames.

All staff members are aware of this issue about it, and we hope to fix it soon.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Suggestion
Post by: Akiraff - February 17th, 2015, 9:37:51 am

Akiraff approves this suggestion. You may have a +1 reputation

CubeBuilders Administration
Re: Suggestion
Post by: Livetabon - February 17th, 2015, 10:28:10 am

Fire buster and brad master had a minigame idea that could very possibly replace mob arena. In a plants vs zombies twist of killing zombies that are trying to kill the villagers behind you with nothing but a regular unenchanted sword.

((Much like quake perhaps we can impliment a sword system that allows you to upgrade your sword from wood-diamond to godsword etc, thats my own little suggestion though, in firebusters game players have a regular diamond sword.))

Akira when youre online I would very much like you to see the minigame in action perferably when firebuster is online again since I lost the plot ID... :(

But its very fun and addicting, the reward could still be diamonds though after each round you could possibly get +1. In my personal opinion its better than being attacked and completely surrounded by mobs. I remember in mob arena getting stuck in cobwebs and literally having no way to get out. I couldnt attack mobs either because I kept hitting the cobweb but I dont have permission to build/break so I couldnt deal any damage at all.

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