URGENT About muting..

URGENT About muting..
Post by: AzzaOwns - March 9th, 2015, 6:44:50 pm

I have recently been informed that for sexual harassment through chat is only a 30 min too 1 hour mute i think this is discussing as its god dam sexual harassment. There are kids on this/your server and any type of chat like this should be dealt with a perm mute to keep sick people from doing it again not 30 to 1 hr !

Re: URGENT About muting..
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 9th, 2015, 7:41:09 pm

I aggree with this the rules need to be ENFORCED better. Staff should go around and tell players the rules to keep them reminded.

Re: URGENT About muting..
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 9th, 2015, 8:58:43 pm

I agree. Sexual Harassment is a serious offense, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Re: URGENT About muting..
Post by: Livetabon - March 9th, 2015, 10:09:32 pm

I understand your concerns, but what exactly is sexual harassment?

We know sexual harassment as many things in many degrees of lewd behavior.

If something inappropriate is being said in a sexual manner, joking or not, it is an automatic 30 minute mute, which is what you all probably know.

If players are soliciting players on the other hand and actually being creepy (or something along the lines of something serious that really give staff red flags) it is up to our discretion to pmute or ban them.

Sexual harrassment is being dealt with very seriously, we cannot just ban every sexual joke, phrase, or innuendo that we tend to get a lot of from our younger player base.

If you believe the rules should be enforced better (which they are enforced rather well) then why dont you submit more report abuses? Saying something lewd is a 30 minute to an hour mute. Saying something maliciously sexual can result in permanent bans. There are varying degrees of this offense, please be aware that 30-1 hour is the MINIMUM and least concerning punishment or harassment.


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