Vote for world edit!

Vote for world edit!
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 19th, 2016, 7:21:17 pm

When someone was talking about w/e in creative, i suddenly got an idea! what if we vote on all the sites = 12 hrs of w/e! Because a lot of people need help on big projects and those with ranks don't really want to help, so this is the perfect idea. New bigger and better structures could be created because telling another person what to do isn't really the same, if you know what i mean.

Re:Vote for world edit!
Post by: chumii - June 20th, 2016, 3:30:08 am

I believe this is a bad idea for many reasons.
1. This would give ordinary people the power to mega grief (Filling a house with lava quick)
2. It ruins the point of getting ranks to get [b]Special[/b] bonuses.
3. Right now you can't even vote...
4. Some people might not want to world edit at all
5. What if a newbie (Not saying any names) gets it?
6-9999. GRIEFERS x 1000
10000. If people without ranks get world edit, we should give them the perks of emerald too.

I hope this list makes you realize this is a stupid idea (No offense some other servers do it) and that it shouldn't happen.
I thank you for your time. But honestly this will ruin Personal Spaces, but its just my opinion...

Re:Vote for world edit!
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 20th, 2016, 11:44:19 pm

That list makes no sense at all. Some of the most popular servers (34k+ players) use it. Any server that has a average of 3K players and above has it. Im just trying to make cubebuilders better.

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