Make copying peoples ideas/builds an OFFENCE! pls!

Make copying peoples ideas/builds an OFFENCE! pls!
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 6th, 2016, 12:04:11 am

You guys really need to make copying peoples builds / ideas an offence. Becuase this one guy (_derpy_unicorn_) keeps coming to my plots
and building what i am building! When he was rping, he sneaked out and w/e copied my toliet from the toliet challenge and he wont tell me
if he has it or not.

Also recenelty he came to my plot and saw my BigHOuse plot and started making a house just like mines but his!

So pleaase make it an offence its rlly annoying when people steal ur ideas because they are way 2 lazy to think up their own.

When i was talking to him about the toliet he acted if he could do it if he wants and that he doesnt need to do anything. I
think someone told me siggi was gonna disable cross ps world w/e but that isnt good enough make it an offence its really annoying!

thx for reading


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