Sky grid

Sky grid
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 16th, 2015, 1:10:50 pm

I think on CubeBuilders we should add a sky grid server. We could do a faction type thing with the claiming and people join your claimed area. I enjoy sky grid on other servers and think it would be a great step up for ours
[move] :D just an idea :D [/move]

Re: Sky grid
Post by: Livetabon - April 16th, 2015, 2:23:50 pm

That sounds cool but keep in mind that our owner might not be able to open up a new server since he doesnt have enough funds to do so. So we would have to replace skyblocks to impliment this, it would be more of a factions skyblock which would leave no peaceful servers for players.

I mean I love the idea of new game types, but I do not believe its possible right now.

Thank you for the suggestion though!


Re: Sky grid
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 16th, 2015, 4:13:18 pm

Oh, ok but it might be a cool idea for the future ;)

Re: Sky grid
Post by: Asheiou - May 2nd, 2015, 6:34:23 pm

No removing servers. Nuh huh.
People like Azza, or DRG, or Magic would prevent that from happening.

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