Teleportation thingy

Teleportation thingy
Post by: OrzaRound - June 22nd, 2015, 8:16:26 pm

Even though the Thing so you cant throw far potions orwhatever, people are disusing it and still manage to do it by
doing it to players down. Please add some sorta pressure plate so it just teleports instead of dropping. Besides, it can make you lose some health if you fall

Re: Teleportation thingy
Post by: oneofakid - June 22nd, 2015, 8:17:27 pm

I dont understand what you mean?

Re: Teleportation thingy
Post by: Karow - June 23rd, 2015, 7:08:21 pm

I believe he is talking about FFA PVP.

I agree with you, but I would also like to mention that we have done the best we can. If we needed to improve something, it would be Skyblocks before anything. We need to get all plugins in working condition before we are able to add any other special features, but that is indeed in our to-do list, just not one of our priorities at the moment.

Thank you for your concerns! We are definitely putting this into consideration! ;D

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