Factions Wars?

Factions Wars?
Post by: JuanDong - June 24th, 2015, 12:31:42 pm

Hey xXx_SkrubLord_xXx here, I want to suggest possible Faction Wars? This could add a fun new thing to factions to make it a bit more interesting since around %30 of people acutally want to PvP, this could make people more in PvP.
I also think there should be a leaderboard for this or reward if you win a war just so people would do Faction Wars, we could also do it at FFA so no one loses anything important. In Conclusion, I really do think Faction Wars should be implemented so people can get more into pvp in factions and win rewards if they win! :D

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: SkyrunPvP - June 24th, 2015, 12:40:04 pm

I dont know people in facs are scared to pvp plus factions is not popular with rich people raiding them soo up to any other staff

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: Peppah - June 24th, 2015, 5:08:07 pm

I think there should be this arena where there are two Factions, one on each side, and they fight. And which ever team wins, each person gets a certain amount of money.

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: JuanDong - June 24th, 2015, 6:25:33 pm

Yeah exactly, Maybe the most ammount of people that the person killed gets more money

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: Peppah - July 5th, 2015, 8:57:10 am


Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: AzzaOwns - July 5th, 2015, 9:10:25 am

this sounds awesome but i recon maybe just maybe a nice wall of who wants to pvp! then just place your name on the wall if you want people to know you are up for a 1v1 ect ?

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 5th, 2015, 12:50:27 pm

Ill expand on your idea ok so a faction can declare war on a another faction when this happens you enter a special war zone inaccessible any other way in this war zone it is kind of like turf wars try to get the most land while trying to kill the other team but on a much bigger scale a faction can surrender but they loose power if they do if you when then you get half of the enemies power

Sorry for the long post :)

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: Akiraff - July 6th, 2015, 10:10:48 am

Here is a major issue that I get on CubeBuilders are:
- Lack of commitment
- Inactive

People tend to get inactive once a while, due to personal related stuffs, thereby they wont be able to join. If their not able to join, then there will be unevenmmatch.

And lack of commitment, people dont commit to do something together in factions, most of them want to be lonewolf. And theyll be most likely rejected by other factions due to untrustworthiness.

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: SkyrunPvP - July 6th, 2015, 11:18:06 am

Ye lets have a war Error404 V Illuminus yeh thats cool I want that

Re: Factions Wars?
Post by: Amaterasu6k - July 9th, 2015, 1:17:51 am

[quote author=Pepper link=topic=3420.msg16717#msg16717 date=1435180087]
I think there should be this arena where there are two Factions, one on each side, and they fight. And which ever team wins, each person gets a certain amount of money.

I agree this could easily be a thing that two facs could make by themselves. But I think that there could be an arena that the two factions go to so they can settle it. But if there was an arena I think that it should be flat with maybe a few hills for archers. Maybe also a railing out of pvp so others can watch the war. All round this is just an idea that could already be made by two factions that want to go to war.

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