Adventure mode in protected areas

Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: InvalidSession - July 14th, 2015, 11:17:52 am

I found that you can "fly" by continuously placing blocks below you, or get up 2 blocks high walls by breaking the upper block and glitch into that block.
Since 1.8 has made adventure mode better (making blocks unplaceable without adding CanPlaceOn, I recommend make players in protected areas changes in adventure mode so players will no longer abuse glitches related to protected areas.

Re: Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: Livetabon - July 14th, 2015, 2:51:03 pm

Block glitching is certainly abuse when one uses it for raiding purposes (ender pearls can allow players to reach areas if players must though.) but using it in spawn is sometimes fun for parkour use.


Re: Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: vvanqu1sh - July 15th, 2015, 1:39:49 pm

Actually, whenever I try to do that in a protected area, I can glitch a few blocks but then it gives me the NPC glitching message and puts me back where I started.

It says Hey, it looks like youre glitching! If youre holding a sword, right click! If youre actually fly hacking, tell a staff member immediately!.

Lel that last part still makes me laugh xD.

Re: Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: KissMeImIrish - July 15th, 2015, 3:00:44 pm

The message forgets to say the part: "After you tell us youll get banned for flyhacking! Cheers!"

Jk lel

Re: Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: PsycoKC - July 22nd, 2015, 2:57:52 pm

lol. "After you have robbed the bank, murdered a family and burned there house down, please hijack a plane, go to Japan, and turn your self in :)"

Re: Adventure mode in protected areas
Post by: oneofakid - July 22nd, 2015, 2:58:55 pm

Ok then....

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