Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move

Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move
Post by: JuanDong - July 25th, 2015, 10:54:50 pm

The reason why I think they should add this is because it reduces lag on the faction server plus it makes grinders much more easier to make!

Re: Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move
Post by: KissMeImIrish - July 25th, 2015, 10:57:08 pm

Interesting, u mean making it so the mobs that are spawned by spawneds stand still? Seems legit and cool.

Re: Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move
Post by: Leifin - July 25th, 2015, 11:07:02 pm

[quote author=XxX_pslamp69_XxX link=topic=4077.msg21368#msg21368 date=1437879290]
The reason why I think they should add this is because it reduces lag on the faction server plus it makes grinders much more easier to make!

I dont think it would reduce lag, but yes mob grinders would be way simpler.

Re: Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 25th, 2015, 11:09:56 pm

Im not sure if this is possible maybe if you make spawner mobs have a certain data tag and any mobs with that data tag cant move that is if what I said is possible :P

Re: Making Spawner Mobs Not Be Able To Move
Post by: Oaad - July 26th, 2015, 3:10:32 am

I honestly disagree, with the addition of this feature, that this would help resolve any problem within the server. Although we have had a serious connection issue this week, this addition wouldnt have as much, or rather any benefit towards the server. A couple of mobs moving around wont solve any lag issues or anything. Same as players, its not the movement of the mobs thatll lag the server; it is more of the amount of entities or population of the mob. As a solution (that has already been dealt with), Siggi has implemented a limit on how many mobs could spawn within a chunk of the spawner.
I hope this cleared some things up for you guys ^^.


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